Adenium Long Caudex. And these take sun all day long, but they are protected by the wooden clapboards, so they have some moments of direct sun and some moments of shade along the Time is all you need to get fat caudices. RECOMMENDED SUPPLIES: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster.
Adeniums come from eastern Africa and southern Arabia.
They tend to have a shorter/fatter caudex compared to the Obesum.
Adenium "paddle shaped" crested Scientific name : Adenium Origin : Thailand Flower colour : soft pink Soil : cactus soil/ very well drained sun/shade : full sun watering. Adenium caudex specification / Caudex size available. And these take sun all day long, but they are protected by the wooden clapboards, so they have some moments of direct sun and some moments of shade along the Time is all you need to get fat caudices.
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