Monstera Obliqua Variegata . These aren't separate plants but rather a color variation. I have a question Does Monstera deliciosa albo variegata & Monstera albo borsigiana variegata are the same? Garden Climbers and Creepers in Malaysia and Singapore ... (Mary Kelly) I have a question Does Monstera deliciosa albo variegata & Monstera albo borsigiana variegata are the same? These aren't separate plants but rather a color variation. Monstera obliqua is very rare and is commonly mistaken for Monstera adansonii. These aren't separate plants but rather a color variation. I have a question Does Monstera deliciosa albo variegata & Monstera albo borsigiana variegata are the same? Monstera tropical house plants (Deliciosa, Obliqua ... Monstera průměr květináče cca 17 cm nakoupit u OBI Zobacz wątek - Doniczkowce KaRo ...